
Showing posts from October, 2017

Authentic Relationships Drive Success

Every well-meaning educator comes into the classroom with the same goal: to see their students succeed. It's the how and means behind that which differs among classroom to classroom and student to student. Every student and class have unique needs that (hopefully) drive instruction which is why there isn't and never will be a "one size fits all" solution for success.  I'd argue, though, that there is a constant among successful students, people, and leaders. This constant isn't a mind blowing new secret so sorry if that's what you were hoping to find. It's not a new app or teaching style or class of thinking.. while all those things are great and valuable to the world of education. In fact, this constant is rather simple. So simple - it can be summed up in one word relationships.  Relationships completely transform the world of education. Scratch that - they transform the world. A helping hand can save someone's life. A smile can make someone...