Authentic Relationships Drive Success
Every well-meaning educator comes into the classroom with the same goal: to see their students succeed. It's the how and means behind that which differs among classroom to classroom and student to student. Every student and class have unique needs that (hopefully) drive instruction which is why there isn't and never will be a "one size fits all" solution for success.
I'd argue, though, that there is a constant among successful students, people, and leaders. This constant isn't a mind blowing new secret so sorry if that's what you were hoping to find. It's not a new app or teaching style or class of thinking.. while all those things are great and valuable to the world of education. In fact, this constant is rather simple. So simple - it can be summed up in one word relationships.
Relationships completely transform the worldof education. Scratch that - they transform the world. A helping hand can save someone's life. A smile can make someone's day. A friend can alter the course of your life forever - in the best way. All around us, our past events, our success, our failures are somehow shaped by the presence of relationships or lack thereof.
That's why relationships are so powerful in the classroom. Would you entrust your most personal hopes and dreams with the random stranger at the grocery store? Unless you are the most extroverted person I've come across, you probably answered no. And not because the random stranger at the grocery store isn't the most awesome person at their trade. In fact, they might be. You didn't share your most personal side of you simply because a lack of trust. Trust is invaluable. Hard to give, sometimes severed forever when broken.
If students don't trust me, why would they be willing to learn from me? If student's don't think I am absolutely enthralled in their lives and well being, why would they expect me to want them to succeed? It's hard to think that someone truly wants the best for you if they don't know a thing about you. Relationships drive success. Relationships develop the whole child. Relationships fight for each other and don't give up. Relationships push, in the most loving way.
Adversely, relationships have the power to destroy. Bad relationships leave scars on our heart. Harsh words haunt us years later. And the feeling of being alone, may be one of the most powerful driving forces towards depression, failure and self-harm. Relationships are vital.
If you know me personally, you probably know I'd fight for healthy relationships all day. I believe there is so much power in a community that knows how to function - how to support each other the way community was designed to be. That's why when I meet a student the most important thing to me isn't a data number or an academic need. It's the student's story. Their story is the most invaluable treasure they could give me. It's something that I never take lightly - I cherish each unique one. It's their story, their personality- their beautiful, unique mind that latches on to me and drives me to help their needs. It's also the biggest key to the puzzle of the individual. Without their story - their trust, I can stand on my soap box, preach for hours about mathematical expressions and science phenomenons, one on one tutor, disaggregate data until the cows come home....
But without that key to their heart - I'm making minimal progress. I'm not taking my time to learn from them. I'm missing out on one of the most influential of drivers of success. So next time you feel pushed to amp up the rigor, to bridge the gap, to prepare these little minds for the ever-changing world in front of them, remember to take a deep breath, savor the individual in front of you, laugh a minute, and use your relationships to drive. Then, all the amazing apps, best practices of education, and innovation thinking can do the work. But not without your heart in the drivers seat...
I'd argue, though, that there is a constant among successful students, people, and leaders. This constant isn't a mind blowing new secret so sorry if that's what you were hoping to find. It's not a new app or teaching style or class of thinking.. while all those things are great and valuable to the world of education. In fact, this constant is rather simple. So simple - it can be summed up in one word relationships.
Relationships completely transform the world
That's why relationships are so powerful in the classroom. Would you entrust your most personal hopes and dreams with the random stranger at the grocery store? Unless you are the most extroverted person I've come across, you probably answered no. And not because the random stranger at the grocery store isn't the most awesome person at their trade. In fact, they might be. You didn't share your most personal side of you simply because a lack of trust. Trust is invaluable. Hard to give, sometimes severed forever when broken.
If students don't trust me, why would they be willing to learn from me? If student's don't think I am absolutely enthralled in their lives and well being, why would they expect me to want them to succeed? It's hard to think that someone truly wants the best for you if they don't know a thing about you. Relationships drive success. Relationships develop the whole child. Relationships fight for each other and don't give up. Relationships push, in the most loving way.
Adversely, relationships have the power to destroy. Bad relationships leave scars on our heart. Harsh words haunt us years later. And the feeling of being alone, may be one of the most powerful driving forces towards depression, failure and self-harm. Relationships are vital.
If you know me personally, you probably know I'd fight for healthy relationships all day. I believe there is so much power in a community that knows how to function - how to support each other the way community was designed to be. That's why when I meet a student the most important thing to me isn't a data number or an academic need. It's the student's story. Their story is the most invaluable treasure they could give me. It's something that I never take lightly - I cherish each unique one. It's their story, their personality- their beautiful, unique mind that latches on to me and drives me to help their needs. It's also the biggest key to the puzzle of the individual. Without their story - their trust, I can stand on my soap box, preach for hours about mathematical expressions and science phenomenons, one on one tutor, disaggregate data until the cows come home....
But without that key to their heart - I'm making minimal progress. I'm not taking my time to learn from them. I'm missing out on one of the most influential of drivers of success. So next time you feel pushed to amp up the rigor, to bridge the gap, to prepare these little minds for the ever-changing world in front of them, remember to take a deep breath, savor the individual in front of you, laugh a minute, and use your relationships to drive. Then, all the amazing apps, best practices of education, and innovation thinking can do the work. But not without your heart in the drivers seat...
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